A motor vehicle, usually on four wheels, designed to carry people. It has an internal combustion engine fueled most often by gasoline, a liquid petroleum product. The automobile has revolutionized modern life, making it possible for individuals to reach distant locations and enjoy a variety of activities that could not easily be undertaken without one.
The invention of the automobile in the 1860s and ’70s opened new opportunities for travel and leisure. The automobile triggered a revolution in transportation and stimulated the development of ancillary industries such as gas stations, restaurants and motels. It ended rural isolation and brought urban amenities such as schools, hospitals, factories and shopping centers to remote areas. It also enabled people to move to different jobs and thus expanded the range of their professional options.
Having a car means you can travel anywhere with ease, saving you precious seconds that can be put to better use. It also opens up a lot of possibilities that wouldn’t be available to you if you relied on public transportation, such as being able to live in the countryside and commute into the city for work, or traveling to far-away places with family and friends.
There is a huge range of vehicles available on the market, and choosing the right one for you depends on your needs and priorities. Some focus on value, while others shoot for excellence in particular aspects such as fuel economy or sporty handling.