Sports betting is a fun way to spend money on a game you love, and it’s even more fun when you make more winning bets than losing ones. However, it can be dangerous if you’re not careful and end up putting more than you can afford to lose. Thankfully, we’ve got some tips to help you manage your bankroll and find value bets.
The first step to a successful betting experience is learning how odds work. Essentially, the bigger the number, the higher the favorite is. But there’s more to it than that. You’ll also want to consider vig, or the house’s cut of your bet. This is a hidden fee that can really reduce your profits, so you’ll want to find ways to eliminate it if you can.
Another way to find value bets is focusing on the leagues and teams you know best. It’s a good idea to start with a sport or league you’re familiar with from a rules perspective, and then slowly expand your knowledge of other leagues and teams as you develop your sense of betting value.
Once you’ve mastered the basics, try betting on spreads. These are based on the margin of victory and can be used to make games that would otherwise be lopsided more interesting and profitable for bettors. For example, if the Green Bay Packers were favored by 4 and won by 5, the bettors who placed a bet on them “covered” the spread and made a profit.