News is about current events, either in the world around us or in the lives of famous people. It is a record of significant developments in government, politics, war, crime and economics. It also covers social issues, such as family affairs, education, the environment, fashion and entertainment.
The most important news stories are the ones that are new, unusual, interesting and significant. People will be interested in a story about a murder or a terrorist attack, but not so much if it’s an ordinary car accident or a new computer virus.
If you think of a news article like an upside down pyramid, the most important information should be placed at the top and the rest of the story follows in descending order of importance. This way, the reader sees what is most important first and can decide whether they are interested in the rest of the story.
Many people are interested in the lives of famous people, so news about their activities can be very interesting. For example, if a famous actor is seen going out to buy milk, that might be newsworthy. In addition, it is common for famous people to be involved in controversies or scandals which can become newsworthy. People are also very interested in health issues and news about traditional remedies, hospitals and clinics, disease, drugs and diets often make the news. All societies are also interested in sex and news about people who do things that go outside society’s generally accepted standards will often make the headlines.