Business services are activities that support a company’s operations but do not result in a tangible product. They include a wide range of activities from IT services that monitor device components to ensure they are functioning properly to human services such as accounting, legal, and consulting.
In the last few years, new technology has revolutionized the business services sector, enabling organizations to outsource functions they do not want or cannot do in-house. These developments have opened the door for a new generation of startups, some of which are offering business solutions that can be accessed via web platforms and systems and that provide more value to companies than their competitors.
The service business can be the fastest way to generate revenue and can be efficiently managed to reduce overhead costs and boost profitability. The key is to understand inherent business costs and how they impact pricing. For example, the cost of a TV repairperson going to the customer may be higher than the cost of him or her coming to the shop.
Many of the jobs in the field of Business services can be done remotely, which makes this career attractive for those who want to avoid a commute and have flexible schedules. For example, Drewbie Wilson, vice president of Break Free Academy, a virtual work training program, says that people in this field often find jobs that allow them to stay home and complete their work from there with the benefit of a high-speed internet connection.